LOCATION: Lake Hopatcong Yacht Club – 79 North Bertrand Island Road, Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856
DATES: Saturday May 20 and Sunday May 21, 2017
RULES: The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RSS) and as modified by the National E-Scow Association (NCESA).
Saturday, May 20, 2017
8:00 -10:00 Registration
10:00 Skipper’s Meeting
10:30 Harbor Gun
10:55 First Warning Signal
18:30 Dinner at LHYC
Sunday, May 21, 2017
9:30 Harbor Gun
9:55 First Warning Signal
NUMBER OF RACES: 1 race constitutes a regatta. Races will be sailed as conditions permit.
SCORING: RRS A4 low point system.
AWARDS: Top 3 skippers and crews.
FEES: Registration $75.00 (Includes 4 lunches on Saturday).
SAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Will be available at the Registration Table.
LODGING: The LHYC will attempt to locate housing on a first come first serve basis. Please direct all housing requests to Patrick Flinn at PatrickJohnFlinn@gmail.com. A list of local hotels can be found at lhyc.com.
REGATTA CONTACT: Patrick Flinn (201) 240-9835 or PatrickJohnFlinn@gmail.com