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HomeOperational Structure

Operational Structure

The National Class E Scow Association (NCESA) is made up of four Regions, each contributing to the NCESA Board of Directors and Officers to guide the Association. It is important for each of the four Regions be properly represented as is outlined in the Association By-Laws. Each Region is responsible to ensure they have elected Directors to represent their Region.
The four Regions are:
Inland Lakes Yachting Association (ILYA)
Directors from the ILYA Region are elected at the ILYA Annual Fleet meeting which is held at the ILYA Championship regatta, usually in August. The ILYA region is allocated 5 NCESA Directors. A Director serves for a two year term. In even years, three directors are elected and in odd years, two directors are elected. The five elected Directors then choose among themselves which person will be the ILYA Fleet Representative. The ILYA Fleet Representative attends ILYA Board of Director meetings and has a vote on ILYA decisions at that level.
Eastern Class E Scow Association (ECESA)
Directors from the ECESA Region are elected at the ECESA Championship regatta, usually early in August. The ECESA region is allocated 3 NCESA Directors. A Director serves for a two year term. In odd years, one director is elected and in even years, two directors are elected.
Western Michigan Yachting Association (WMYA)
Directors from the WMYA Region are elected at the WMYA Championship regatta, usually in August. The WMYA region is allocated 2 NCESA Directors. A Director serves for a two year term. Each year one Directors is elected.
Clubs not associated with one of the above (At-Large)
Directors from the At-Large Region are appointed by the NCESA Board of Directors. The At-Large region does not have a Championship regatta, nor a scheduled time when they can meet to elect a new Director each year. The At-Large region is allocated 2 Directors. A Director serves for a two year term. Each year one Directors is appointed.
The NCESA has three Officers that are elected by the membership at the Annual Membership meeting. They are the Commodore, Vice Commodore, and Rear Commodore. The Annual Membership meeting is usually held the Friday or Saturday after Labor Day at the Annual NCESA Championship Regatta. 
The Board of Directors appoints a Secretary-Treasurer for the Association.
The 12 elected Directors, 3 Officers, and Secretary-Treasurer meet annually in November to conduct the business of the Association. Some decisions are effective with the Board of Directors approval and other must go to the membership for a 2/3 majority vote before they become effective. When a membership vote is required it is usually done in December/January and is effective when it is passed.