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Engagement Members

This screen shows the members of the committee. Click on the member's name or photo to view their bio information (if enabled).
A. It shall consist of a Chair and at least one Ambassador per fleet. B. It shall be responsible to effectively connect with and engage the E Community in order to create awareness, gain feedback, build excitement and promote our Class in ways consistent with the direction of Association Leadership. 1) This committee exists to be the arms and legs of the Association and to represent the voice of the membership and serve as an “informal” communications channel. 2) This team will consist of Fleet Ambassadors – new name and role replacing what we used to call Fleet Reps. The aim is to have one functioning Ambassador for each fleet serving as key connectors and bridge builders across the Association. 3) This two-way communications vehicle is to be built upon the relationships that exist across our E Community in order to make it stronger both in the short and long term and serve as a conduit of feedback to advocate for the community of members.
3108 Shadyside Drive
Stoughton, WI 53589
1105 Simmons Street
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Augusta Fleet Representative
4391 Deerwood Ln
Evans, GA 30809
Chautauqua Fleet Representative
59 E Terrace Ave
Lakewood, NY 14750
Clear Lake Fleet Representative
5935 Northview Dr
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Crystal Fleet Representative
3113 N Alexander Ave
Royal Oak, MI 48073
Delavan Fleet Representative
2229 S. Shore Dr.
Delavan, WI 53115
Geneva Fleet Representative
N 2378 Valley View Drive
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Grand Lake Fleet Representative
386 N. Emerson St
Denver, CO 80218
Hopatcong Fleet Representative
3 Stoneham Dr
Brick, NJ 08724
Keuka fleet Representative
10719 East Lake Rd.
Hammondsport, NY 14840
Lake Murray Fleet Representative
158 Buckboard Street
Lexington, SC 29072
Lake Norman Fleet Representative
18718 Peninsula Cove Lane
Cornelius, NC 28031
Mantoloking Fleet Representative
394 Perrine Blvd.
Manasquan, NJ 08736
Mendota Fleet Representative
W190 N5053 Sunset View Dr
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Minnetonka Fleet Representative
5280 Meadville St.
Greenwood, MN 55331
Nagawicka Fleet Representative
230 White Pine Rd
Delafield, WI 53018
Oshkosh Fleet Representative
3732 Candlish Harbor Lane
Oshkosh, WI 54902
Pine Lake Fleet Representative
6264 N Brumder Rd
Hartland, WI 53029
Sarasota Fleet Representative
850 Cedarcrest Ct
Sarasota, FL 34232
Seaside Park Fleet Representative
107 Springhouse Lane
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Shore Acres Fleet Representative
33 Farragut Dr
Brick, NJ 08723
Spring Lake Fleet Representative
2529 Berwyck Rd. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Toms River Fleet Representative
13 Lake Spring Ct.
Toms River, NJ 08753
Torch Fleet Representative
1208 Anderson Rd
Traverse City, MI 48686
Wawasee Fleet Representative
10695 N Lung Lane
Syracuse, IN 46567
White Bear Fleet Representative
4809 3rd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55419
White Lake Fleet Representative
1185 Scenic Drive
Muskegon, MI 49445