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New E-fleet in Clearwater FL

This is an email to Commodore Cole about the progress to assist the Clearwater Community Sailing Center to establish an E-Fleet.
Norman Olson made a request to NCESA to ask how we can help them establish some E-Scow in Clearwater. Commodore Bob Cole and NCESA Director Bill Nolden volunteered to meet with Clearwater to see how we could help make this happen. The Sarasota E-Fleet donations were instrumental to making this happen.

From: Richard Elsishans 

Date: January 15, 2017 

Subject: E-Scow Donations


"Many thanks to Jim Barr, Bill Nolden, Chris Herdrich, Jeff Nicholas, Fred Weick, David Helmick, Doug Dearden, and Bob Cole for their donation of three E scows, trailers, and gear to the Clearwater Community Sailing Center.   Jim donated Rev It Up and a trailer.  Chris and Bill donated ArmeE (after Bill, Doug, and Dave Atkinson did a ton of work getting into shape).   Jeff, Fred, David and Bob donated SystemE.   Jeff donated a trailer.   Doug donated a yard dolly.   Thanks to Sarasota fleet members for donation of various items of gear including sails, flotation panels, stays and spreaders, covers, battens, spinnaker poles and sundry.

Thanks to Bill and Missy Nolden, Jeff Nicholas, Dave Atkinson, and Bob Cole for spending all day Thursday January 12 packing, hauling the boats, and setting up ArmeE.


Clearwater and their youth program now have the makings of instruction in a larger high performance boat, and a future fleet.  Final thanks to Norman Olsen and Richard White of Clearwater who worked to follow through on the vision of Norman to start a fleet, as he expressed to the NCESA Board of Directors last fall.


The donation is almost complete.   SynergE is to be donated, thanks to Doug, after a bit of work is accomplished.   Another trip will be made to Clearwater with SynergE and perhaps at that time some Sarasota E sailors can provide some instruction on the fine art of E Scow sailing."