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Home2017 Wawasee Open - Report

Sunday June 11th
After Saturday's racing in gusts reaching 25 mph the fleet spent the night enjoying Tito's Vodka and dinner at the club.  Maybe the adrenalin from the racing kept everyone going but many sailors enjoyed the Frog Tavern late into the night/early morning.  When everyone staggered in on Sunday morning they arrived at the yacht club to steady 10-12 mph winds. 

The fleet headed to the race course to find winds picking up and steadying out at about 18 mph with those same mid 20 gusts.  The racing was competitive for the whole fleet but Brett Hatton (SL-4) took the first race with Tom Munroe (WH-77) and Rob Terry (CR-66) and Steve Johanson (TO-33) folling him across the line. 

The second race was filled with wild rides downwind and tired muscles working upwind.  Reports from boats throughout the weekend had speeds of around 20 knots coming down wind and into the leeward mark which made for some interesting spinnaker takedowns.  It was deja vu in the this race as Brett Hatton (SL-4) crossed the line first, taking both Sunday races.  Tom Munroe (WH-77) and Rob Terry (CR-66) held form and finished 2/3 with Jaime Kimball (G-7) finishing off the top 4. 

Brett Hatton's two bullets on Sunday gave him the edge over Tom Munroe for the regatta victory.  (Tom was trying to win the regatta in back to back years)  Jaime Kimball's three wins on Saturday powered him to a 3rd place spot and Rob Terry's consistent top four finishes gave him the 4th spot and Pete Price (CR-11) rounded out the trophy winners. 

Charlie Turk (TO-2), Mark Russell (WA-14) and Mike Rian (WA-13) were the top three trophy winners in the Silver Fleet. 

The Wawassee Yacht Club wants to thank Tito's Vodka for being an incredible sponsor along with local establishments The Owl Supper Club, The Frog Tavern, and Martins Supermarkets. 


Ryan Brandenberger