In partnership with the NCESA, the Minnetonka Yacht Club (MYC) is proud to host the 2016 E Scow National Championships. September is a great time to sail on Lake Minnetonka, and we are looking forward to a successful event and hosting competitors from around the country.

Registration/Important Documents will be the official regatta page. Registration and all important documents can be found here.
All launching and hauling will be done at the MYC's Carson's Bay Facility (CBF) crane, which can accommodate multi-boat trailers:
19800 Minnetonka Blvd
Deephaven, MN 55331
Please contact Sam Rogers if you are planning to arrive prior to Wednesday, September 7th, or if you are bringing a multi-boat trailer.
A small number of lifts will be available for use, otherwise a limited number of moorings at the Carson's Bay Facility will be available. Competitors are also welcome to bring their own Moorings which can be placed in designated areas in CBF. There will be NO dry sailing available at Carson's Bay with exception of repairs needed which will be granted by the PRO. Taxi Boats will be available to transport competitors to their boats and LHI each day.
MYC would like to provide local housing for as many competitors as possible. Housing will be awarded on a first come first serve basis with housing requests accepted no later than Monday, August 15th.
Please contact housing chairs Sarah Jewett and Kate Krejci with your requests:
Sarah Jewett
Kate Krejci
Local hotels are also available.
Schedule of Events
A details schedule of events can be found on
Social Tickets
All social functions will be open to all competitors. Pricing and ticket packages will be available soon and will be emailed to registered competitors.
A wide variety of E Scow merchandise will be available for purchase prior to and during the event. Links to purchase will be distributed soon.
Event Contact
Sam Rogers