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Home2014 ECESA Championship - Registration

2014 Eastern Championships - Seaside Park YC


US Mail Registration










 See Who's Coming





For all the information about the ECESA Championship regatta, click on the "Links"  topic button just above.

Login to the website and make sure you are a current member. This must be done for 'Boat Owner' members or skippers that are 'Regular' members BEFORE you attempt to register a boat for the regatta. You can not register for the regatta if you are not logged in. If you do not remember your login ID, contact Lon Schoor

You do not have to be logged in to purchase meal packages. You will be able to purchase meals but non-members or members who do not login will be changed a small additional "service" fee by ClubExpress.

You will be asked a number of questions if you are registering a boat to race, such as sail number, Yacht Club, ..., and crew names and emails. If you do not know who will be crewing at the regatta, leave it blank and you will have to provide that information at a later date. The more you can fill in now the more help it will be. email addresses are not required now, but will be very much appreciated, but will be required before the start of the regatta regatta communication purposes.

All of your fees will be accumulated for your approval before completing your registration, and clicking on the payment page.

You will be receiving a followup email after you complete the registration process with all the information you provided. Save this email for later reference. If there is a change in that information before the start of the regatta, please provide the changes to Marianne Beyer via email, or 908-507-7692

If you need to request vegetarian meals - order tickets as normal during the registration process and then contact Marianne Beyer via email, or 908-507-7692