Each year the NCESA ranks the skipper of E-Scow competing in a select group of regattas.
Two lists are created - the National Ranking Champion and the Road Warrior Champion.
The National Champion is the sum of their 3 best (highest ranking points) regattas in 2016.
The Road Warrior is the highest total of all regatta ranking points.
Congratulations to Brian Porter (I-49) who won three major regattas in 2016, the ILYA Invite, ILYA Championship, and E National Championship.
My research shows four people have won the E-Invite, ILYA E Champs, and E Nationals in the same year, they are:
Harry Melges III in 1986,
Sheldon Ecklund in 2003,
Andy Burdick in 2008, and
Brian Porter in 2016.
Congratulations to Tom Munroe, the 2016 Road Warrior Champion. Tom attended 6 regattas in the 2016 season: Geneva Spring, Wawasee Open, Michigan Invite, WMYA Championship, ILYA Championship, and National Championship
The Full list of the results for both awards are list in the following links: